
Outside guidance to navigate through transitions and challenges.

With today’s financial challenges, every business is feeling the pressure – on the bottom line, on staff, and on your plan for the future. Whether you’re in need of turnaround services or simply want guidance through a challenging financial or operational situation, ESBA can help. With vision and expertise, we offer immediate solutions executed quickly and cost effectively for increased growth, better cash flow, and maximized performance. Over 35 years and more than a thousand engagements, we’ve seen every kind of business situation – we know where the pitfalls are and how to navigate around them. With all our services, you get an outside resource who:

  • Knows the right questions to ask and how to patiently listen to your answers
  • Offers flexibility in our recommendations for effecting change, whether for a narrowly defined engagement, or as a partner in assessing your circumstances in order to identify the help that is needed
  • Understands where your business is in its life cycle or in the economic cycle and can propose a range of appropriate and innovative solutions for consideration
  • Works with management to clearly articulate the goal or ideal state, enabling us to effectively work backward to develop and implement a plan
  • Anticipates contingencies and other bumps in the road
  • Manages resources effectively along the way
  • Creates, maintains and, where necessary, rebuilds confidence and credibility among key constituents including lenders, customers, vendors, and suppliers

Explore our services to see how we can best help you.

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