Mergers and Acquisitions

Complex transactions require a seasoned pro.

Whether selling or buying, you need financial advice you can trust to expose both risks and opportunities. ESBA’s corporate finance experts offer an integrated approach that identifies issues, offers perceptive analysis and operational perspective that gives you the insight you need to make the best decision. We work side by side with clients throughout the transaction, from due diligence to closing and beyond.

Sell Side services that maximize value

ESBA has substantial experience selling companies both inside and outside of a bankruptcy proceeding, including Section 363 bankruptcy sales. We know how to align stakeholders and how to close the deal quickly. Services include:

  • Confirming that reasonably achievable value is in line with client’s needs and expectations
  • Representing clients in the sale of private or publicly held companies (healthy or distressed)
  • Assisting organizations in corporate divestiture programs
  • Advising buyers of businesses, typically through a systematic search process for companies meeting specified criteria

Learn more about a typical sell-side process.

For a client seeking to sell a company or divest of a business unit as part of its restructuring program, a typical process includes:

  • Assessing the company’s operating and financial performance, its market position, the industry in general, and the potential buyer universe, all of which bear on the realizable business value.
  • Preparing all required financial and marketing documentation including investment/financing memorandum that presents basic company information and emphasizes the value drivers of the business.
  • Identifying an appropriate number of acquirers and/or financing sources that may be both strategic and financial, and should each have a clear basis for interest.
  • Marketing the investment story to these parties through ESBA’s extensive contact network, domestic and international, to reach the marketplace on a confidential basis. In a Section 363 bankruptcy sale, the goal is to arrange a stalking horse and lay the foundation for a spirited follow-on auction.
  • Structuring and packaging the transaction, which involves exploring all reasonable approaches, and considering financial, economic and tax issues.
  • Assuming a strong advocacy role throughout the engagement in order to maximize the financial benefit realized by the client.
  • Consulting regularly with the client through the critical phases of proposal evaluation and response.
  • Ensuring the coordination and accomplishment of all necessary actions required to consummate and document the transaction.

Buy side services put your interests first

Finding the right business to invest in requires financial experts who know where to look for opportunities – and risks. We combine specialized industry knowledge with business management skills to bring you the insight you need to make the right choices.

Throughout our due diligence engagement, our objective is to evaluate the target company to:

  • Understand and evaluate the business
  • Identify issues to address and mitigate risks
  • Identify and optimize opportunities

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