Forensic Investigations

The knowledge you need to uncover the facts.

Asset misappropriation, corporate impropriety, pyramid schemes, financial statement fraud....whether you’re the plaintiff or defendant, you need to get to the bottom of things and you need answers now. Actions may be difficult to detect, the stakes are high, the finances are complex, and time is short.

ESBA professionals bring you the expertise you need in forensic investigations, as well as in assessing internal controls to prevent fraud. Our team includes Certified Fraud Examiners, Certified Forensic Accountants, Certified Public Accountants, and Certified Internal Controls Auditors. We have extensive experience and the quick response you need.

We offer:

Detection and Planning

  • Identifying irregularities through forensic analysis
  • Evaluating financial documents
  • Developing detailed investigation plans
  • Assisting with the interview process

Fraud Investigations

  • Investigating and documenting the extent of any fraud
  • Quantifying financial and economic losses arising from fraud
  • Assisting with international funds tracing
  • Preparing communications with regulatory bodies
  • Preparing independent expert reports and testimony

Fraud Risk Management

  • Developing procedures to mitigate risk of future occurrence
  • Proactively evaluating internal controls and assessing fraud risk
  • Third-party monitoring of contractual obligations

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