
Charting a course for success.

Whether you're a company in distress or just looking to improve, ESBA offers an unbiased point of view, innovative solutions, and fast response. Our mission: re-establish value and profitability while providing companies a path to recovery, to improvement, or to exit. We serve as your sounding board to help you grow and improve in good times and bad, seeing opportunities where others see only challenges.

Focused solely on driving the results that will steer your company through the challenges you face to a successful outcome, we provide better value, better service, and better results.


  • Turnaround, Crisis and Interim Management
  • Operational Assessments and Financial Forecasting
  • Bankruptcy Advisory Debtor and Creditor
  • Liquidation and Business Wind Downs
  • M&A Advisory and Business Refinancing
  • Litigation Support and Forensic Accounting


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Please contact the server administrator at [no address given] to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.

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