Neil E. Leary

Neil E. Leary

Professional Experience

As Managing Director, Neil creates and executes strategies to restructure or improve operating performance. With over forty years of diversified sales and general management experience, both as a consultant and as a senior management executive, he has a proven track record of recognizing opportunities, defining problems, developing action plans and implementing them in an organized, disciplined manner in high service environments, across a wide range of industries.

Neil leads companies through reorganizations with decisive leadership, insightful strategies and outside the box thinking that creates successful marketing and operational efforts. His strengths include general management, sales and marketing management, strategic and business planning, and brand development. He has served in an interim capacity on many occasions, filling a leadership role to steer companies through crisis and to help improve sales, profitability, customer service, internal systems, and employee training/development.

Industries he specializes in include:

  • Bridal gown and tuxedo  
  • Children’s wear, Hosiery, Overcoats, Sportswear 
  • Media companies, including newspaper, radio & commercial printing
  • Packaging manufacturer and marketing
  • Juice and other food manufacturing
  • Paper products distribution
  • Office supply products manufacturing & marketing
  • Pre-cast concrete design and manufacturing
  • Computer systems sales and marketing
  • Beef, poultry and pet food processing
  • Vehicle design/manufacture/customization
  • Plastic injection molding

Professional Experience

Neil has a particularly strong background in the apparel industry where he has worked as a Senior Vice President and, in a consulting role, as a crisis manager. He served for a year as the CEO of After Six Formal Wear and improved sales and profitability through advertising promotions and increased sales efforts to retailers and their supporting distribution warehouses. In a consulting capacity, he has served as interim president at Fibre-Metal Company, a manufacturer and distributor of safety equipment improving sales with a new incentive program, involved customer service in sales efforts and installed sales support computer systems to improve sales call effectiveness.

At the Reading Eagle Company, a $40-50 million sales regional newspaper, he worked with management to increase sales and restore profitability by using their well recognized “brand name” to increase sales at their printing and broadcasting divisions by bundling all services into a package that united their efforts and eliminated individual competitors.  He led efforts in extensive sales training, reorganization and incentive development.

As COO of Alfred Angelo Inc., a designer, manufacturer, importer and marketer of women’s bridal and formal wear, he instituted high service requirements, bringing Customer Service department in as a key partner to the sales process, and successfully marketed many product lines.

In addition to the advertising, customer service and distribution support that is vital to making any sales effort successful, Neil has been involved in a variety of sales approaches, including direct sales to commercial customers, sales through distributors, supported/managed by a company team, on a national level, sales by a company team to consumers through a network of independent retailers, and sales through the Internet and/or direct mail.

In addition to marketing, he has strong operations, finance and general management experience as well. He has managed through events such as a UPS strike, OSHA inspections and union organizing attempts, for example. On the finance side, he managed the business planning/priority setting/budgeting process at companies ranging from $10 million to $150 million in sales volume. In general  management, he has halted the marketplace slide of a multi-division manufacturer / marketer of plastic and other safety products as the Interim CEO, while improving profit levels; and as VP / General Manager, he has successfully coordinated five separate companies on a national level.

Our Professionals

(215) 568-5788
(215) 568-5769


  • Manhattan College, B.B.A. in Management and Accounting


  • Executive Sounding Board Associates LLC // Consultant
200 OK


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